David Williams Russell, Esq., Chairman of the firm’s Business Services Group. and Vice-Chairman of Indiana’s African University Foundation, participated in and made presentations concerning development of the university’s agricultural program to include creation of a sustainable regional agribusiness supply chain at the first ever joint board meeting of African University and African University held in Tali, Cameroon, West Africa, from December 28 to 30, 2008.
The purpose of the joint board meeting and symposium, entitled "International Symposium on the Role of African Higher Education in Sustainable Community Development: The Case for African University.” was the exploration of alternatives for creating sustainable educational uses for a ten-square mile tract in Tali which has been granted to the university for its campus and to involve the people of Cameroon in creating African University as a self-sustaining, environmentally sound educational institution dedicated to enabling future leaders of Africa to realize their full potential through an integrated experiential education.
Additional information about the African University Foundation, African University and the Symposium is available at www.africanu.org/symposium.html and www.aufoundation.org.