Congratulations to Chad E. Oswald on graduating from Bar Leader Series Class of XIII. The IndyBar’s Bar Leader Series develops lawyers for future opportunities in leadership roles in the business and legal communities. Through the Bar Leader Series, participants learn what it means to be a leader, gain insight vital to leaders in our community and learn how to communicate, motivate, inspire and succeed not only in their law career, but also in service to professional, political, judicial, civic and community organizations.
As a condition of graduation, each of member of the class is divided up into small teams, and each team is tasked with creating and implementing a community service project. Chad and his team focused on children, and took a holistic approach to improving children’s lives. The team partnered with George Washington High School want to provide education and support to those communities and individuals influencing children.
On April 6, 2016, the team organized a community resource fair called “Connecting the Continental Community”, which was hosted at George Washington High School. The fair was open to all students, parents, relatives, and guardians of George Washington and their feeder schools.
The community partners present at the resource fair were:
- Marion County Prosecutor’s Office
- Neighborhood Alliance for Child Safety
- Delta Sigma Theta, Indy Alumnae Chapter
- Indiana Legal Services
- The Mayor’s Office of Re-Entry
- Midtown/Eskenazi Health
- Nurse Family Partnership
- Nurse Family Partnership
- Reach for Youth
- The Excel Center
The program directly addressed the chronic issues facing the at-risk, under- privileged, and under-served youth community in Indianapolis. The fair aimed to provide information, education, and guidance to the individuals who make up the primary support system for these at-risk children. The program provided unique tools and exposure to community resources to the program’s target demographic, and in doing so lessened the risk of these children failing out of school, becoming a member of a gang, or otherwise “falling through the cracks.”